Family run Funeral Directors and Monumental Sculptors through four generations, spanning over 140 years.
24 hour assistance
Inverness - 01463 233366
Dingwall - 01349 808666

Exam Success for James

If you’ve been following our recent Facebook posts, you might have noticed that James Thomson, our Trainee Funeral Director, has passed yet another of his exams. This most recent one focussed on the Digestive and Respiratory systems, and how the various organs within these systems function withing the human body. We are extremely proud of James and his achievements so far – these exams are not easy, and he is combining his studies with working full time. We do everything we can to support James with his studies; we have four fully trained funeral directors and embalmers here, and either Vicki, Sarah, Drew, or Iain is always on hand to offer advice, guidance, support or encouragement – and often all of the above. After four years with us, James is now on the home stretch with his embalming studies. We’ll keep you posted about his future successes and look forward to welcoming him into the team soon as another fully qualified member of staff.

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