SNAP Cheque Presentation

Two of our team from John Fraser & Son were delighted to get a tour of the brand new home of SNAP, (Special Needs Action Project), when they handed over a cheque for £1360, raised during September. SNAP, which supports children and young adults in Inverness who have additional support needs, is a charity which is close to our hearts.
Our Memorial Craftsman Drew Wheeler and Trainee Funeral Director James Thomson were blown away by the sparkling new facilities, which now form part of The Haven Centre, a multi-million pound, multi-function centre for children and young people with disabilities, and their families.
As well as being home to SNAP, the newly-opened Haven Centre has a community café that is open to all, and includes on-site purpose-built flats, where young people and adults with disabilities can enjoy respite care.
James was one of the eight-strong members of our team who braved wild weather on the 1st of October to complete the Baxter’s River Ness 10K Challenge. To top up the fundraising from the race, we donated £25 from the cost of every memorial sold throughout the month of September.
Thank you so much for all of your donations which helped boost our fundraising efforts. We wish SNAP all the very best in their new home.